Travel photos

On my travels I always try to take as many photos as possible. Why?

First, for myself, because photographs capture moments. Beautiful moments, unforgettable moments, unexpected moments ... Moments that will be memories at a later stage in life. Photos can take you back to those moments without any effort. Even after several months, years, even if you think they have been long forgotten. Just by looking at them they bring you back to that very place, sometimes with scent and sound, maybe even to how you felt at that moment. An amazing quality. 

Second, for others, mainly to give an impression of where I am or where I have been. With a little bit of luck they might even encourage people. Encourage people to travel and visit these places themselves. Encourage people to go and experience what the weather feels like, how the food tastes, what the landscapes look like and how life is lived in other places on this beautiful planet.

Third, because it is just so much fun to take pictures! In the course of the past few years it has become a serious hobby of mine.

All the photos I have taken during my travels can be found HERE. Enjoy!

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